Mellow Mama 

I started learning about homeopathy when my daughter was born to find out what was in her teething tablets and understand better how they worked. What unfolded was an entire world of remedies that can help everything from sugar cravings and anxiety to bee stings and sunburns. Once I began courses in homeopathy, I was led to another form of homeopathic remedies, the Bach flower essences, remedies that work by bringing mental and emotional imbalances such as anger, impatience and grief to more centered states of being to facilitate true healing.  

I was especially thrilled to learn the Bach flowers as they are the very essences that had helped me battle anxiety and hives as a young child. I vividly remember my stepdad bringing home a little brown bottle with a yellow label on it, called Rescue Remedy, and finding such relief after just the first dose taken under my tongue. They became my magic drops, something that I kept with me wherever I went to help me feel better, more calm and at ease. The Bach flower essences work effectively and efficiently, especially with children who are so open to healing, and just like homeopathy they are safe and all natural.  

That is why I developed Mellow Mama, my signature formula of five Bach flower essences to support peace of mind. So that every mom can have her own magic bottle to carry around with her in her purse/diaper bag/backpack. The flower essences in Mellow Mama are meant to be used throughout the day and as needed to help stay balanced, focused and at ease during the beautiful chaos that is motherhood. Because let’s face it, it isn’t easy raising tiny humans! 

It is my goal to help other mothers just like me with children just like my daughter find gentle relief. To find true healing on a deeper level. In eastern medicine doctors treat the mother in order to treat the child, so if we start with ourselves, and care for ourselves, we will be that much better fit to care for our children.

In love and healing,
Celine/Inemom/Mellow Mama 

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