I’ve had this orchid since before my daughter was born which means it’s over two years old. I don’t usually have orchids that last me this long. This one is special because it’s always been on my kitchen window sill and I think that’s the reason why it has lasted so long. Orchids like a tropical environment and the kitchen sink has a certain humidity it offers from dishes and hands being washed as well as partial sunlight and warmth from the window. This plant has already bloomed twice since I’ve had it.

After we moved I wasn’t sure if it would bloom again. It skipped last spring. I clipped some of the older leafs and continued watering it once a week with the same routine: removing it from the pot, letting cold water run over the internal potting where the roots are and setting it on the dish drying rack for a few hours so the water can drip out. Then I place it back in the pink pot on the window sill. It seems to like this routine. After clipping the old stem where it used to bloom it’s flowers I wasn’t sure what would happen.

Just last week I noticed it had grown a totally new stem and is ready for its next debut. At least four little buds have formed. Can’t wait to see what the beautiful new blossoms look like in a few weeks! I love this little plant 💗🌸

#orchid #houseplant #wellness #love #floers #blooms